New Patient
New Patient Information
We are pleased to welcome you to the Center for Blistering Disease (CBD). As a new patient you will find available for download the new patient forms. Please be sure to register at the Front Desk when you check in.
The doctor requests the new patient forms. Please bring the completed forms to your appointment and arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled time to allow us to enter in the information.
You may also fax the information to Center for Blistering Diseases before your appointment at 617-562-1047.
New patient appointments at Center for Blistering Diseases are very thorough and your physician may order testing during your visit. Please allow ample time for your visit. It is not uncommon for complicated new patient appointments to last four hours or longer.
Please bring your insurance card with you to the appointment.
Please check if you have an HMO or PPO plan. If you have an HMO plan you will need to get a primary care referral. If you need a referral, ask for the referral department and see if they will authorize your visit to see Dr. Ahmed.
In some cases, you may need to make an appointment to see your PCP before seeing Dr. Ahmed in order to get the referral. If available please bring any previous doctor’s visits, notes, blood work, medication list, and biopsy/pathology reports.
About Dr. Ahmed
Abdul Razzaque Ahmed is a Professor of Dermatology at the Tufts University School of Medicine and the Director of the Center for Blistering Disease in Boston. It is the only Center of its kind in North America.
He graduated from the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India. He immediately migrated to the US where he was trained in internal medicine, dermatology, and clinical allergy & immunology. He received a Doctorate of Science degree in molecular immunology from the Faculty of Medicine of Harvard University.
He identified beta4 and alpha6 integrins as pathogenic autoantigens in mucous membrane pemphigoid and was the first clinician scientist to describe pathogenic IgG4 and nonpathogenic IgG1 autoantibodies in pemphigus vulgaris patients.
Amongst his many clinical contributions, the most important, relevant and universally beneficial are the use of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) and the combination of IVIg and Rituximab in treating patients with recalcitrant autoimmune blistering diseases. This combination treatment results in long-term, sustained clinical remissions (NEJM 2015; 373: 2693-4).
Learn more about Dr. Ahmed:
Dr. Ahmed works closely with different specialists to make sure your disease is thoroughly treated.
Dr. Ahmed is the on the chair and is recognized by these medical organizations that helps provide patients complete support.

Dr. Ahmed is affiliated with the following highly esteemed hospitals